ETENE works with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Parliament, and other ministries and government agencies. Meetings and other events for facilitating cooperation are also held with other national ethics advisory boards and regional actors, and ETENE further engages with scientific and education institutions, NGOs, the media and private citizens.
ETENE monitors and publicises international trends in ethics and participates in international events as necessary. There is bilateral cooperation primarily with the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Regionalt samarbete
ETENE samarbetar med regionalförvaltningsverk, sjukvårdsdistrikt och regionala vårdetiska kommittéer, kompetenscentrum inom det sociala området, samkommuner och kommuner samt patient- och socialombudsmän. Dessutom samarbetar ETENE med universitet, yrkeshögskolor och yrkesläroanstalter inom social- och hälsovården samt olika fackföreningar.
Internationella aktörer
- European Group of Ethics in Science and New Technologies
- European Comission - Science and Society/Bioethics
- World Association of Medical Law
- UNESCO International Bioethics Committee
- Council of Europe - Steering Committee on Bioethics (CDBI)
- UNESCO Universal Declaration of Human Genome and Human Rights
- UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- World Health Organization WHO
- Nordic Committee on Bioethics